
CanIuseprovidesup-to-datebrowsersupporttablesforsupportoffront-endwebtechnologiesondesktopandmobilewebbrowsers.,2023年3月20日—Note:CSS@when/@elseconditionalrulesisNotSupportedonInternetExplorer.IfyouuseCSS@when/@elseconditionalrulesonyourwebsite ...,2015年2月9日—TotargetIEyouhavetomodifyyourHTMLfileandaddconditionalcomments,forIE10youwillalsoneedsomeJavascriptbecauseitcomeswith0supportfor ...,...

Browser comparison

Can I use provides up-to-date browser support tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop and mobile web browsers.

Browser Compatibility of css-when

2023年3月20日 — Note: CSS @when / @else conditional rules is Not Supported on Internet Explorer. If you use CSS @when / @else conditional rules on your website ...


2015年2月9日 — To target IE you have to modify your HTML file and add conditional comments, for IE10 you will also need some Javascript because it comes with 0 support for ...

Here is how you detect the browser using both JavaScript ...

2020年6月29日 — You can visit this link in any browser to see it in action. You will see the detection happening in both JavaScript and CSS.

How to Create Browser Specific CSS Code

2022年12月5日 — This article discusses how to create browser-specific CSS code to ensure cross-browser compatibility for a website.

how to detect IE and Edge browsers in CSS?

2017年4月20日 — For IE 9 and lower, load a conditional stylesheet: <!--[if IE]> <link rel=stylesheet type=text/css href=ie.css /> <![endif]-->.

How to easily not serve JS andor CSS to IE<11

If your site has readable static content, you may reduce the testing burden by not sending JS (and maybe even CSS - your choice) to versions older than 11.

How to Target Internet Explorer Browsers in HTML and CSS

2020年1月14日 — Here is how to target IE users 10 and 11: · First you still need to add a <style > tag to the head of your HTML or update your CSS file as before ...

Targeting IE10 & IE11 Browsers with CSS

2014年9月22日 — Targeting IE10 & IE11 browsers with CSS is actually possible, but not the way we're used to doing it. Here's how.